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SubjectRe: #!perl - alternative path to script interpreters - patch to 2.2

On 21 Mar 1999, david parsons wrote:

> A patch where #! /usr/bin/perl behaved like it does right now,
> complete with mysterious errors when perl isn't in /usr/bin, but
> where #! perl will pick up perl from anyoldplace would break the
> world how?

The alternative already suggested, as used by DG-UX, has all of the
benefits and apparently none of the losses. You specify a full path
which is the default. If there isn't an interpreter in that path it
instead looks for the interpreter's basename in your PATH.

This allows each user to specify their own search path, and you can
even override it on a script-by-script basis. And I like user space
solutions, like the already mentioned #!/usr/bin/env trick, as they
achieve much the same functionality without a kernel patch.

I agree that features shouldn't be abandoned just because the other
unices are slow, but the posted patch isn't the best way to get the
desired feature. The DG-UX kernel hack and the #!/usr/ben/env trick
are both I think more elegant ways to address the problem.

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