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SubjectRe: CPU Management for Linux?
> > Adding and removing CPU's from a scheduler point of view isnt too
> > horrific. You can force a CPU to not be running a task (eg send it
> > an inter processor interrupt). When you add a CPU you need to clone
> > it an idle thread and a stack.
> the above applies here -- if we tie a process to a specific processor
> or set of processors (there are patches which implement and IRIX
> compatible API here), how do we remove the processor?

This is an area where I am interested. I have written the IRIX compatible
API (almost done with COMPLETE rewrite. Real Soon Now.) and am making
wrappers for the sys-V API, and others, too.

One thing I am looking at as a pretty major thing would be run-queues on a
per-processor basis.

For example (without a whole lot of thought put into this) what do people
think of this:

* there is a 'general' queue, which is for tasks which can run on any
* each CPU has a run-queue. Tasks bound to this queue have a higher goodness
than tasks in the 'general' queue.



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