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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC] Re: disk head scheduling

"Richard B. Johnson" <> writes:

> This means that read amplifiers that used to handle data at up
> to 10 MHz are now handling data at 800 Mhz to 1 GHz. You can
> check the numbers yourself. The bits per second that travel under
> the read head is now much greater than the bits per second that
> any I/O interface can handle. This means that sector interleave,
> spiral compensation, and other tricks are now worthless because
> nothing you do along these lines will allow you to actually use
> data as fast as it becomes available. The data just arrives too
> fast. Because of this, sectors are no longer interleaved.

Could you provide a reference to support those transfer rates - the
Quantum Atlas III which looks fairly modern is specified as having
internal transfer rates between 110 and 180 Mega bits per second (see, IBM's
Ultrastar 36XP 3.5 is specified at 143.2 to 231.2 Mbits/sec (see and
the best Seagate drives top out around 264Mb/s - these are comfortbly
less than current SCSI transfer rates of 80MB/s(= 640 Mb/s) which are
themselves are easily accomodated by a 32bit, 33MB/s PCI bus (and
Fibre channel is even faster) so I'd say the interfaces are still
faster than the physical media.

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