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    SubjectGetting sound out of a Leadtek WinView 601

    Hi All,

    I have a leadtek Winview 601 TV/FV card. It is a philips tuner based bttv 848
    card, I have sorted out the GPIO_OUT_EN, bits by sping the windows program,
    and now have the tuner sound output working, but only with very low volume.

    The card has some kind of programable stereo amplifier, which appears to
    be connected to the GPIO bits 7,6,5,4 and 3. By writing to these bits I can
    get the sound levels to change, but I can't find any logic to the changes.
    (repeating the same sequences doesn't always get the same result).

    - Any ideas what leadtek has wired up (maybe a software i2c!)
    - Anyone have anysoftware to spy and store the changes on these lines under
    windows (The update speed of Booktree's bt848are is too low to see any

    On a separate theme, while fighting the sound, I have discovered how the
    infrared remote control on the card works. Any pointers to the correct
    API to implement (and dev major/minor) for a remote control device? The card
    simply generates a 6bit code and interrupt for each remote control button.

    Jon Tombs
    Dpto. de Ingeniería Electrónica
    Escuela Superior de Ingenieros
    Universidad de Sevilla. SPAIN

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