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SubjectRe: breaking the 2Gigabyte limit on 32 bit arch of inode->i_size (off_t vs loff_t)
On Sat, 20 Mar 1999, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:

> My point for doing this is that in the near future we'll _finally_ run on
> 64bit and so long long will just be an alias of long, so no performance
> penalities even if only using small offset... And in the meantime we'll be
> able to handle >2gigabyte files on 32bit archs (going always a bit slower
> of course, but as just said it would be only a _temporary_ slowdown).

Well, we do also ask for the type of processor that we are to compile
for, why not base which is used off of that? Or does doing it these different
ways cause incompatible filesystems? Also, if possible it would be nice for
there to just be an option for this to do it one way or the other...

Just a thought.


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