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SubjectRe: insmod: error loading shared libraries.
On Fri, 19 Mar 1999, Keith Bennett wrote:

| HELP!!!
| i've just upgraded the kernel on our dual Pentium machine and
| now it cant load the ethernet module. it uses the tulip module
| and it was working fine with 2.0.36. now i get the following error:
| $ insmod tulip
| insmod: error loading shared libraries.
| undefined symbol __bzero

__bzero is a symbol which exists in some of the shared libraries made in
glibc2.1. It would seem that your module was compiled against glibc2.1
(maybe with ld-2.1?) but your /lib/ is symlinked to
or earlier, which is not good :). Check your symlinks in /lib to make sure
everything's consistent between glibc2.0 and glibc2.1, and you then you may
have to recompile the module. __bzero may also be in the glibc2.1 version
of crt1.o, but I'm not sure. Also, your module may be linked against
ANOTHER library which in turn was linked against glibc2.1, in which case you
would have to recompile that library (or switch over entirely to glibc2.1).

I have a hard time believing that this happened because you changed kernels.
I tried installing glibc2.1 without much success, and my system is currently
50% glibc2.1 and 50% glibc2.0 (although I can get it to work with everything
with a bit of work), so I've run into this problem before. Hopefully you
won't have to recompile(eek)/reinstall glibc, and you'll just have to touch
up some symlinks and recompile the module. Happy Ethernetting.

m i k e b u r r e l l

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