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SubjectRe: Ideas for abstracting driver IO from bus implementation?
> supposed to be, anyway?  Based on this discussion, it sounds like I2O is
> not much more than asymmetric multiprocessing, where you've got special
> I2O processors sitting in various places (maybe on your motherboard,
> maybe on IO boards, maybe some combination) that just run driver code.
> Hasn't this concept been tried and abandoned enough times before?

Yes and no. IBM build supercomputers around it. I2O is also very well
designed (much to my initial suprise). The I/O read and write paths of
the block API are a matter of a couple of hundred instructions, the
controller does all the housekeeping work. It creates very low CPU
loads under high I/O loads. So for some server tasks its tailor made. You
can chain a terabyte of raid storage off your system without spending all
your CPU executing scsi code.


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