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SubjectRe: which stack direction?
On Fri, Mar 12, 1999 at 11:45:36AM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:

> I know of a new high end machine, under gentleman's NDA, which might be
> running Linux some day. The compiler people for this machine want to
> know if the Linux folks care which way the stack grows. The exact question
> is:
> "Does it matter to Linux whether the stacks in user codes run up
> (pointer starts at a low address and increments to get more memory)
> or down (pointer starts at a high address and decrements to get
> more memory)? If it does matter, which is preferred?"

As someone else has pointed out, if the stack doesn't grow down, then
it not so easy to make the stack and the heap grow towards each

Right now, I like the stack being mapping a little under the
application and having the ability to grown down as required...
truthfully though, in a true 64-bit architecture (you didn't say one
way or the other), i.e. not contained by a 4GB memory limitation,
this is probably a non-issue.


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