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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC]: MS Porting Office to Linux?
On Sat, 13 Mar 1999, Khimenko Victor wrote:

>>>It's either this or they have to static link! This would turn it into
>>>real big bloat-ware, it is very large. 5.0's installation program
>>>is more complete, but you still have to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and,
>>>if you want their library cached, fix up /etc/
>> And what is the difference between static linking, and dynamic
>> linking that requires a specially distributed shared library that
>> must be used?
>> I fail to see the difference. If the shared library isn't the
>> one that everything else on the system uses, then IT ISN'T
>> SHARED. In other words, if commercial program A required library
>> B to be used, and only program A is using it, then nothing is
>> sharing the library, and the application might as well statically
>> link in the first place as it will consume the same resources,
>> and perhaps be a bit slower due to dynamic linking.
>Not at all :-)) It's not uncommon to have more then one executable in single
>product (see BlackDown JDK for example). Even if there are special version
>of glibc provided (actually just late version of glibc 2.0.7) it's still win
>since few programs from the same product can use SHARED library...

Correct, but it is still a hog anyways, and any benefit of the
shared libs only exists when multiple apps actually are running
simultaneously. StarOffice is one binary if I recall correctly,
so no matter what part of it you are using, the shared libs are
not being shared. And certainly not with the rest of the system.

I like Star, but I dumped it. Too much of a hog. It takes way
too much memory on my system, and I have 64M. The system slows
down massively, and swaps. It takes AGES to start the beast up,
and I have a 200Mhz processor.

I've switched to WP8 now instead which is much faster. I'll try
SO 6 out when it arrives, and then see how it runs. Hopefully
they'll switch to a Linux GUI like GTK or QT by then.

Mike A. Harris Linux advocate GNU advocate
Computer Consultant Open Source advocate

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