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SubjectRe: Linux/IA-64 byte order
Andreas Schwab said ...
> writes:
> |> (Not to want to create flames, but I do recall that m68k processors have
> |> always been better performers than their x86 equivalents).
> But surely not because of endianness, but most likely rather due to the
> bigger register set.

Nope, the endianness was not a real contributor to the advantages in
performance. My comment above appears to allude to BE as a reason for
m68ks improved performance. It was not, really.

Yes, a larger general purpose data and address register set was a big
contributor. One detractor for the Intel architecture was that the
segmented addressing added complexity to the addressing logic. Basically
the segment+offset had to be calculated, instead of simply using a linear
address to begin with. But, you got 20 bits of addressing and a
facility for relocating code, data, etc. in 64k segments. This would
have been sufficient for it's time, except programmers quickly out grew
the 64k limitation.

> --
> Andreas Schwab "And now for something

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