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SubjectRe: Linux/IA-64 byte order
Linus Torvalds said ...
> In article <>,
> Hans-Peter Jansen <> wrote:
> >>
> >> The computing world would be better off with just one byte order, that
> >> byte order isn't going to be BE.
> >
> >Take it easy, BE folks, LE is better, because i.e. error detection
> >of network protocols, which are normally BE. If you coders forget to
> >swap a single short, LE will easily show up (aka. won't work).
> I appreciate the sarcasm, but that isn't my point.
> My POINT is that there is absolutely no technical reason to prefer one
> over the other.

You should be looking for any good reason to choose one format over
another, not just technical reasons. Networks were built by humans and
debugged by humans. Quite frankly looking at raw network packets off of
a wire is much easier to read if it's readable by humans (and, yes, this
is exactly what I've done in the past). The machines don't know, nor do
they care about the correct ordering of data. What's important is that
when it breaks there needs to be an easy way for humans to diagnose the
problem, and, quite frankly LE is *not* conducive to that process.

> And like it or not, LE is very dominant due to PC's and the MS inability
> to work with BE machines on NT. So LE isn't going away any time soon.

I hate to tell you this, but PC's aren't the only machines out there.
Much of the world runs not on PC's but on *other* machines (like

> In short, the best we can hope for is to just end the confusion, and
> that BE will fade. No, I don't think that's likely either, but it's
> better than having two different byteorders with no technical reason to
> chose between the two.

What an awful thing to say, Linus. A useful technique for trouble
shooting should be just tossed away as if it were a bad batch of beef?
For shame.

> Avoid confusion.

How about "strive for a better Kernel" instead.

> Linus

Peter A. Castro ( or (

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