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SubjectRe: NFS write problems (fwd)
| 'soft', but I think they did not. Perhaps the stalls are caused by the
| same problem as the I/O-errors when mounting 'soft'?)

there are two types of NFS error - minor and major. soft and hard mounts deal
with the errors differently. both mount types handle a minor error in the
same way, accept the error, increase the 'minor error' count, and do a backoff
resending the request at longer and longer intervals until the 'minor error'
count is large enough (settable through timeo= and retrans=) when a major
error occurs. At this point, a soft mount will return an I/O error and abort.
A hard mount will keep going and report and 'nfs: server <host> not
responding, still trying'.

| Perhaps I have to tune the retrans settings when mounting 'soft'...

you could, although that's more of a bandage than a fix.

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