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SubjectRe: RFC: ISA Plug and Play Implementation
Jeremy Katz wrote:
> Hi. As Linus has stated several times that he does not like any of the
> implementations for ISA Plug and Play devices which are currently out
> there (kernel-space), I have begun to try to work on one myself, mainly
> for 2.3.x. I currently have detection of devices and knowing what
> resources they will accept and was wondering how people thought that the
> actual allocation of resources should be handled. Part of the problem
> (IMO) with the current code is that it requires a) every driver to know
> about plug and play or b) the plug and play to know about every driver.
> Unfortunately, I've been unable to come up with a great way to get around
> this and was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

I'd like to see a linux based PnP program, that allows you to see _all_
PnP devices in the system. No, isapnp doesn't do this. It only allows
you configure ISA PnP devices - and won't even show the system board PnP
devices. Why do we want this information? Fast IrDA devices are
typically built into the system board, and I want to be able to query
and find out what devices are there. If your PnP system returns
"generic IrDA device", well, it's broken. (that's usually an alias for
the SIR portion.)

Personally, I want this to be userland. We can configure the device
when we load the module (or hard code the configuration into the

If someone knows of program that can do this, please email me with
information. So far, all of the Linux PnP systems don't get this right.

Thomas Davis | PDSF Project Leader |
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