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SubjectRe: 2.2.2 network freezing

Yes. If I can't ping it from afar, I can telnet to the .35 kernel and
ping both of the 2.2.2 computers just fine. It doesn't begin to answer a
ping unless I do something that starts two-way communications (like start
a telnet from the .35 box).

If I'm interacting with the 2.2.2 box, then it doesn't freeze. If I run
to get an ice-cream bar from the vending machine on the first floor, it's
usually stuck.

I know the stone-age routers we have use vaccuum tubes, so, I wouldn't put
it past them to be brain dead. :)


On Tue, 2 Mar 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

} > I'll check later (the box is headless). But remember that I can ping the
} > computer sitting next to it (running 2.0.36) and another workstation
} Can the computer next to it on the same lan ping it ?
} The reason I ask this is 2.2 is quiter than 2.0 with arp refreshs and the like.
} Some buggy bridges hearing no traffic from a host forget about it (this is
} the 'I run ping once every 10 minutes in cron, I have a 3com blah blah' bug
} for one example)

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