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SubjectRe: Linux SMP problems: wait_on_bh
On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Fredrik Lindgren wrote:

> This is the data from the latest crash (it was repeated atleast 5 times):
> wait_on_bh, CPU 0:
> irq: 0 [0 0]
> bh: 1 [0 1]
> <[c010a385] [c016881e] [c0162e6b] [c0163108] [c016f91e] [c01533cb]
> [c01537c5] [c012611d]>
> These are the mappings from
> c010a385: synchronize_bh
> c016881e: tcp_v4_unhash
> c0162e6b: tcp_close_state
> c0163108: tcp_close
> c016f91e: inet_release
> c01533cb: sock_release
> c01537c5: sock_close
> c012611d: __fput

We had our mail server freeze up twice with almost exactly the same trace
when we were using a motherboard that was having odd problems (Tyan
S1836 Thunder 100). Both times it said CPU #0 was waiting, and both times
it was tcp_v4_unhash trying to get the lock while the other CPU seemed to
be holding it forever.

The other problem we had with the board were that with all 4 DIMMs being
used (512MB, 4 x 128MB DIMMs), it would get random parity errors.
Disabling the last 128MB with mem=384M at boot would make the problem
stop, but the "crash" as you mentioned above was still happening, so we
decided to switch boards...

We're now using an ASUS P2B-DS board with the same RAM and same CPUs and
we're having no problems whatsoever (up for over a week now).

I'm not sure how this relates to what's happening with your server, but my
first guess would be that it's still something to do with hardware.
Vanilla 2.2.1 here, but 2.2.0 was on the machine when the wait_on_bh
lockups were happening.


| Simon Kirby | Systems Administration |
| | NetNation Communications |
| | Tech: (604) 684-6892 |

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