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SubjectRe: Linux Graphics Architecture (format fixed)
Alan Cox wrote:

> > o Linux standardizes on a graphics device driver interfaceA
> > o The driver interface, /dev/kgi, be based on the existing KGI drivers
> Oh look flame bait.
> The people who are doing the serious 3D work are using 1993 SGI technology.
> Its called Direct Render, its fast, its effective and it needs close to
> no kernel support. Oh and its as fast in an X window as full screen.
> Read Mark Kilgards paper on it aat SGI

There's really two parts to this proposal, the architecture and the specific
choice of driver specification.

Starting with a 2D driver would be fine - 3D can come later.

I'm not affiliated with the GGI project. The only reason I suggest KGI drivers
is: they exist.

The only other base of preexisting (or soon to be) code is the XFree 4.0
acceleration engines, which would be fine too, although they might take more
effort to repackage, and that project appears to be understaffed as is.

The sooner we put at firm foundation under the Linux graphics the better. It
will make supporting new graphics hardware much easier, make the thing stable,
and allow people to write high performance graphics applications such as games
and video processing type applications (my interest). This is needed before
Linux has any chance at mass-market desktop success, and a rising tide lifts
all boats - we'll all benefit.


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