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SubjectRe: Linux-2.2.2-pre2..

On 6 Feb 1999, Philippe Troin wrote:
> Methinks there's still a problem, and just checking for tty->termios
> to be non-null fixes one symptom.

Ok. That was what I suspected might be the case, and I never like hiding
symptoms rather than fixing the cause. However, I hoped it would be good
enough for 2.2.2.

> Are these 'dev (03:00) tty->count(0) != #fd's(2) in do_tty_hangup' and
> 'null tty in fasync' really harmless ?

Obviously not. We've had them _forever_, and I've just always assumed it
was due to partially filled in tty information and thus harmless. But it
does seem that you're triggering something really bad (possibly through
just following a stale pointer and using a tty that has been free'd rather
than one that is just being built up - that would explain not just a NULL
pointer but just about any subsequent "random" crash due to having walked
over random memory).

I'll look at this some more, this seems to be the #1 problem right now.


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