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SubjectRe: Kernel interface changes (was Re: cdrecord problems on
"John R. Lenton" <> writes:

> Have you a guesstimate of how many of these were due just silly mistakes
> (order or padding or ...), and how many were due to real changes? From
> what I'm reading I'd say a good fraction of these are of the first kind,
> which makes us all a bit wiser and a bit clumsier...

Honestly, no, I don't know how many were due to silly "mistakes" and
how many were due to real changes. What do you define as a "real
change", anyways? I suspect that your definition and mine are
different. Besides, it's not like there is any clear statement of
what changes are really made in any particular patch.

Some of the changes that I consider "real" during the 2.0 kernels
f00f patch
teardrop patch
memory leaks/crashes

Now, how many of these truly required kernel interface changes?
Honestly, I don't know. Could these problems have been 'temporarily'
fixed in a binary compatible way for 2.0 and fixed for real in 2.1?
Possibly. Could we have avoided all the back-porting of 2.1 features
into 2.0? Most certainly.

As you said, it makes us all a bit wiser; hopefully we can keep this
in mind for the remainder of the 2.2 cycle.

> Cheers,
> John


PS: Thanks for listening. :)

Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board (SIPB)
warlord@MIT.EDU PGP key available

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