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SubjectRE: howto disable auto route setup?
On Tue, 2 Feb 1999, Fred Reimer wrote:

> Explain, please, why you would want to configure IP on an interface if you
> didn't want to "route" out to that local subnet?

Uh, to have two interfaces and switch from one to the other and back
quickly and cleanly? To have two interfaces with addresses recognised
as local but with traffic to the net going out of one and traffic
to specific hosts going out the other?

> But, IIRC all other *nix implementations
> automatically put in a route to the subnet you are defining when you
> ifconfig an interface with an IP address.

So? The point is that Linux didn't. Now it does. The change breaks
things for some people. Their past expectations are no longer valid.
Worst of all there seem to be some issues which can only be addressed
using the undocumented ip tool. (I'll mention those in another
message :-) )

> The references to what router
> vendors do should have no bearing on this question. If you want to compare
> what others in the industry are doing, take a look at Solaris, HP-UX, AIX,
> Tru64 Unix, DG-UX, etc.

Nah. If there's a standard, great. Otherwise someone still needs to
explain to me why it is necessary to have all this magic happening
in the kernel rather than, say, ifconfig.

> "That is the way the ISDN layer works for instance."
> Where? In Linux (I honestly don't know). Why does it work that way? Does
> it "need" to? Is that the correct implementation? It seems to me that if
> ISDN "requires" a special implementation because of specific issues it has,
> then it's implementation should be "special." No reason to require the vast
> majority of other interface types to change based upon special requirements
> of ISDN.

If you honestly don't know why not go read some of the ISDN docs
and find out?


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