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SubjectRe: L2 cache sizes different: BIOS bug?
Richard Gooch wrote the following:
> Hi, all. I've just discovered, to my horror, that a dual PII machine
> here has different L2 cache sizes for each CPU. The boot CPU (#1) is
> reported to have 0 kB whereas the other CPU (#0) is reported to have
> 512 kB (as expected for a PII). This is with 2.1.126. I get the same
> with 2.2.0.

My box isn't dual cpu but here's two problems I've had witrh the PII-350
on my Aopen MB:

1. The PII-350 suddenly becomes a PII-175 and linux decides it doesn't
like my HD.
2. My PII-350 suddenly forgets where it put it's cache.

Each of these problems show up on boottime -of the machine- so I suspect
it's a BIOS bug in my case. Have you checked the stats given to you by
your BIOS about both your CPUs? For me it's definately not Linux that's
at fault.

CaT ( URL:

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It lit so bright,

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