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SubjectRe: Kernel interface changes (was Re: cdrecord problems on
> Stepping back to the bigger picture, the point I hope is clear.  We need
> to be much more careful during the 2.2 series to minimize interface
> changes as much as possible. This includes device driver authors, who

Yep. Right now 2.2.0 and 2.2.1 appear to be compatible. 2.2.2pre1 likewise.
2.2.1ac* isnt for stuff that directly hits current->file things (unusual)
but the other thing big file arrays needed that affects struct file is
already in linus tree (32 bit use counts - since you can open a file 100,000
times now)

> These sorts of things are important. Everyone in the Linux community
> --- glibc developers, kernel developer, Linux distribution maintainers,
> application developers --- needs to do their part; it's not just someone
> else's problem.

Yes. We also have to find the right boundary between never changing (the MSDOS
stagnation/windows liability and effective death over time, sun 18month bug
fix) and excessive changes.

I wouldnt deny any of that.


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