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SubjectRe: 2.2.0 breaks telnet to old SysV R3 machine
In mailinglist.linux.kernel, you wrote:
>> Amazing, I have been struggling with the fact that my ricochet
>> wireless modem wouldn't work with the 2.1 kernels for months. I never
>> could figure out why I could get UDP through but not TCP.
>> Can anyone explain why van jacombson compression doesn't work? Is it a
>> problem with pppd, the 2.2 kernel or the the other side? (the ricochet
>> and I guess the van jacobson compression by extension work with
>> 2.0.36)
>Right now we don't know. I've got various negotiation traces between the
>Linux box and a Ricochet. Its also consistant. VJ works fine with most stuff
>but not at all with a Ricochet since 2.1.109

I've got a very slow connection when using ISDN and VJ. I'm not sure if the
VJ implementation used is the normal PPP one, or specifically ISDN, so can't
really help there... Is there anything I can do to debug/trace/whatever
the problem I've got? I'm not sure what the other end is though, although I
can probably find out.


Bas Vermeulen

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