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SubjectRe: RMS at it again *sigh*
In message <>, Roger Espel Llima write
| > I just read an article by RMS in which he is thinking of changing
| > libraries over from the LGPL to the GPL. This will have the unwanted
| > side-effect of driving commercial interests away from further ports of
| > proprietary software (potentially deny these ports' future conversion to
| > open source)
| Re-read the article, he explicitly says that for libraries like glibc
| the LGPL makes sense. He's arguing for GPL for "special utility"
| libraries like readline or GMP (which are both under GPL already, AFAIK).

And the GNOME folks have already decided to stay with LGPL, from what I've

In any case, *it's not a kernel issue*. It may well be a distribution issue,
but that's not a topic for linux-kernel.

brandon s. allbery [os/2][linux][solaris][japh]
system administrator [WAY too many hats]
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering KF8NH
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