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SubjectRe: howto disable auto route setup?
"Fred Reimer" <> writes:

> It seems that people who have problems with the automatic creation of a
> route are all using point to point interfaces, no?

No. The problem is when I want to setup an interface (for example, to
be able to get packets on it), but don't want to route packets
through it. A firewall might require such a feature - in fact, you
usually don't want to add routing until all firewalling rules are
defined. A listening-only host (i.e. syslog host) might not want
to send any packets. There are probably other examples. Of course,
you can _usually_ work around this.

The only example of automatic route not being a pain is a regular
host (or router) with regular interfaces and routing. But not having
such a feature doesn't break things.

If there is a _real_ need for automatic route creation, I would rather
add the code to ifconfig - say, --autoroute flag would add network
route to newly opened interface.
Krzysztof Halasa
Network Administrator of The Palace of Youth in Warsaw

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