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SubjectRe: 2.2.2: 2 thumbs up from lm
On Wed, 24 Feb 1999, Larry McVoy wrote:

>I'm very impressed - I do not think that SunOS (or any of the other
>Unices) ever got to this point. If you did this to them, it was just
>intolerable. So whatever you did, it's worth it. Quite impressive,

I would like if you could try my VM that does garbage collection on the
cache with a perfect LRU basis (not using a bit for age) and make
comparison on the feeling. You will see the max of the difference when you
have the most of memory allocated by programs (and not used from the
cache/buffers) and your phisical RAM is huge.

You can use my VM with this patch:

I still hadn't the time to benchmark the thing myself :( but I am _sure_
it will boost performance because it reduces shrink_mmap() from O(tons of
memory) to O(little of memory).

Andrea Arcangeli

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