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SubjectRe: diff format

On Thu, 25 Feb 1999, Larry McVoy wrote:
> All that said, you still want your context diffs. You can have them.
> The diff -n is just what the system uses to pass the changes between
> repositories.

That's fine if you're just talking about the internal mechanisms for doing
a "synch two repositories". As my previous email already indicated, I
don't actually care what the _internal_ diff format is, and as you
internally want (a) minimal size and (b) you pretty much expect to
guarantee internal consistency, using "-n" is fine for that.

> *Nothing* goes into a repository before you have a
> chance to look at the diffs, any diffs you want - context, unified,
> sdiff, graphical file merge, whatever. What you lose is the ability
> to screen in your mail box. If you must have this, I can emulate this.

Well, I would _never_ accept a "merge" as an email anyway. I would only
use "merge" between two repositories of my own, and I expect that others
would do merges from my repository into their own versions. That's fine.

But that makes me wonder why you even bring it up? I would never accept
anything but a context diff in the first place (spruced up with reason and
commit information), so I don't see what the advantage is for you (other
than a purely internal thing).


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