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Subject[offtopic] Re: 2.2.2: 2 thumbs up from lm

> 1 is the "its either real time or its not". Thats things like rtlinux. If you
> say 71uS you get 71uS even if netscape is loading. And for the code modules
> that are critical to latency you pay in flexibility and API tools.
> 2 is the "most is good enough" argument. Thats not generally coming from the
> 'if we miss the building blows up' department of real time computing but from
> the 'I dont want my MP3 files to jump' school - where perfection isnt the aim.
> I'm quite interested to see what can be done in #2 without getting to the point
> it complicates the kernel. But if you are controlling nuclear power stations
> stick to rtlinux because its much much safer.

*IF* you are controlling nuclear power station, use relays. They are
less sensitive to radiation, and they do not contain programs. That is
big advantage, because everybody knows every program contains at least
one bug.

PS: I can not imagine running nuclear power plant on any os bigger
than few lines. rtlinux maybe can meat goals in speed limits, but I
don't believe _any_ system as big as linux is can meat goals with
stability neccessary for nuclear power plant control...

PPS: I've seen post-crash analysis software running on windows
95. Let's hope that nuclear power plant never crashes...
The best software in life is free (not shareware)! Pavel
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