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SubjectRe: bug with pipes with newest kernels (2.2.2)?
On Tue, Feb 23, 1999 at 09:44:35PM -0600, David Poythress wrote:
> The calling process:
> pern:~% strace -p 523
> read(4, 0x80a72f8, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
> temporarily unavailable)
> nanosleep(0xbffff67c, 0xbffff67c, 0x401146cc, 0x80972f8, 0x4) = 0
> read(4, 0x80a72f8, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
> temporarily unavailable)
> nanosleep(0xbffff67c, 0xbffff67c, 0x401146cc, 0x80972f8, 0x4) = 0
> read(4, 0x80a72f8, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
> temporarily unavailable)
> ... and repeating
> Here's what I get from the caller: (2.2.2, glibc-2.1.109)
> ipc_subcall(0, 0xbffff72c, 0xbffff6ac, 0x8) = 0
> recvfrom(3221222936, "", 1074877748, 0x80cf628, {...}, [3221223384]) = 0
> read(3, 0x80df628, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Try again)
> ipc_subcall(0, 0xbffff72c, 0xbffff6ac, 0x8) = 0
> recvfrom(3221222936, "", 1074877748, 0x80cf628, {...}, [3221223384]) = 0
> read(3, 0x80df628, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Try again)
> ipc_subcall(0, 0xbffff72c, 0xbffff6ac, 0x8) = 0
> recvfrom(3221222936, "", 1074877748, 0x80cf628, {...}, [3221223384]) = 0
> read(3, 0x80df628, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Try again)
> ipc_subcall(0, 0xbffff72c, 0xbffff6ac, 0x8) = 0
> recvfrom(3221222936, "", 1074877748, 0x80cf628, {...}, [3221223384]) = 0
> read(3, 0x80df628, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Try again)
> ipc_subcall(0, 0xbffff72c, 0xbffff6ac, 0x8) = 0
> recvfrom(3221222936, "", 1074877748, 0x80cf628, {...}, [3221223384]) = 0
> read(3, 0x80df628, 0) = -1 EAGAIN (Try again)
> ipc_subcall(0, 0xbffff72c, 0xbffff6ac, 0x8) = 0

I understand you are seeing the very same problem? Another point: do
not know why, my ssh-agent started to die at random times.


Romano Giannetti, Professor - Univ. Pontificia Comillas (Madrid, Spain)
Electronic Engineer - phone +34 915 422 800 ext 2410 fax +34 915 596 569

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