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SubjectRe: [ANN] new mailing list
On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Matthew Kirkwood wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Rik van Riel wrote:
> > on special request from a few people and because the
> > linux-kernel traffic still is too high, I have set up
> > a new mailing list:
> >
> [snip]
> > Please move non-necessary stuff out of linux-kernel and
> > onto one of the more appropriate lists!
> So you'd have us move all of the on-topic stuff from
> linux-kernel onto your lists, leaving only the licence
> flamewars, slashdot urls, spam discussion and maybe
> the odd bug report? No thanks.

There are already separate lists for license issues and
far-off discussions regarding the future of the Linux
kernel, as well as a kernel documentation bug.

Now there's a new list for the discussion of new and
still alpha-quality patches.

> There is a stage at which list granularity becomes a
> bad thing. If linux-kernel becomes linux-testers,
> linux-bugs, &c. then all that will happen is that
> people subscribe to all of the lists or crosspost.

I agree that would be wrong.

> You're moving the wrong traffic off the list, Rik.

Hmm, what do you think we could do to reduce the traffic
on linux-kernel? The way it is now it's so busy that it
actually hampers the debugging of the kernel and helping
people with problems.

It is clear that something has to be done in order to
avoid this list becoming so clogged up that nobody can
keep up anymore. If it were 'only' 2k messages/month,
I think a lot more people would be able to keep an eye
on the list, thus avoiding the repetetive FAQing when
a new bug is released...

Rik -- If a Microsoft product fails, who do you sue?
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