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SubjectRe: 2.2.2 kernel is out

On Tue, 23 Feb 1999, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> And a m68k __down_trylock, and a SPARC __down_trylock (already in vger), and an
> ARM __down_trylock, and a MIPS __down_trylock, and an AXP __down_trylock :-(
> Sorry, but I just can't believe such things happen on a `stable' branch....

Yes, I hated to do it too, but I didn't see much choice. Stephen Tweedie
fixed the problem that made us want to have the recursive semaphores in
the first place, and as they had caused some rather hard-to-find problems
for some device drivers it was just most prudent to remove them.

And as Andrea fixed a race condition in the same patch (it's the race
condition fix that actually adds the new entrypoint), it was fairly clear
what had to be done..

The alternative was to just silently revert on just the recursive
semaphore (and ignore the race condition - which is pretty unlikely in the
first place), but that would have caused some architectures to just
silently break. I preferred the option to just break them spectacularly
instead of having some subtle breakage that would be very hard to see.


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