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SubjectRe: AMD K6-2/400 and FIC VA-503+BM with Linux 2.0.36

> I recently purchased 4 AMD K6-2/400 CPUs and 4 FIC VA-503+BM
> MBs with which I am building a Beowulf cluster for parallel
> algebraic computations in membrane theory. In testing the
> hardware prior to parallelizing my application, I encountered
> the following types of problems:
> - random seg faults and parsing errors during kernel build
> - random silent deaths, illops and seg faults in wmclock
> (always same address when a core file is generated:
> illop = 80493c2, seg fault = 80493c8)
> - subtle variation in bogomips from one reboot to the next
> (always 799.54 or 801.18)
> - emacs under X seg faults after above problems appear
> (always same address - 401e4811)
> - hard system hangs (must reset)

I am having similar problems with some K6-2/350 and VA-503+ MB's
design. Exact same symtoms, and if I move to the next lower
speed, it works fine. Replaced processors, same problem. So it is
either a widespread problem with the K6's quality control, or the
VA-503+'s. Most people blame the memory, but I've tried enough
different pieces of memory to know better, by this time.

+ John Fulmer | "UNIX was not designed to
stop +
+ Secure Network Group | you from doing stupid
things, +
+ Lawrence, Kansas | because that would also stop
you +
+ | from doing clever
things." +
| +
+ | --
??? +
+ "The opinions contained above may not reflect those of
SNG" +

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