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SubjectRe: [OFFTOPIC] Re: What is the --MARK-- ?
On Feb 16, Aaron Tiensivu wrote:

> > RTFM: man syslogd:
> >
> > -m interval
> > The syslogd logs a mark timestamp regularly. The
> > default interval between two -- MARK -- lines is 20
> > minutes. This can be changed with this option.
> This is what I don't understand.. the only function of this message is to cause
> confusion for 99% of the users and putting "-- MARK --" in the system logs just
> to show that the system is actually still alive is pretty useless and just

unless your system isn't alive anymore. then, using those timestamps you'd
at least approximately know when it crashed (e.g. when it happened during night).
this can be important when trying to corelate crashes with `external events'
(power outage, hacker attack, room cleaning company working, ...;)

whatever additional informations I can get when trying to analyze crashes,
I appreciate them!

> takes up disk space. Sure, you can turn it off, but I really think it should be
> off by default.

YMSTV (your mileage seems to vary;)

> I always rip the code out of syslogd whenever I compile it, and I'd bet a lot
> of others do too.

no need to change the sources -- just start syslogd with convenient options;)

All SCSI disks will from now on ___ _____
be required to send an email notice 0--,| /OOOOOOO\
24 hours prior to complete hardware failure! <_/ / /OOOOOOOOOOO\
Harald Koenig, \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/
Inst.f.Theoret.Astrophysik // / \\ \ ^^^^^ ^^^^^

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