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SubjectRe: Linux NFS server problem

H.J., I just don't understand the problem that you are trying to solve.
I 2.3.3 of RFC 1094 it stats:

The file handle can contain whatever information the
server needs to distinguish an individual file.

WHATEVER is pretty strong language!
I can see cases where a system might put a timestamp in every
filehandle or a counter. If solaris is complaining because the
NFS filehandle is different between two calls, then it is broken.

Yeah, but the intent (probably not made clear elsewhere in that RFC) is
that the _client_ can expect that a file handle that worked for accessing
a file once would work the _next_ time around. Also not clear is that
a file refers to the "bag of bytes" and metadata, not to the contents
of the one (or more or less) directories that reference the bag of bytes.

-Ric Werme

Eric (Ric) Werme |
Compaq Computer Corp. |

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