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SubjectRe: [NOT A KERNEL PROBLEM] Re: ISDN & Kernel 2.2 fun

On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, John Hayward-Warburton wrote:

> Hi.

Hi there, John. Thanks for the reply. I'm sorry to say I just got the
ISDN working, though... (Well, I'm not sorry.. Just sorry I didn't aks
around any earlier :) )
> This message comes to you via ISDN on 2.2.2-pre5 and the latest
> utils and tools. It's probably not a kernel problem.

Apparantly, it was, still. After doing a kernel-recompile with all the
ISDN options enabled, especially the ones I didn't have a clue about as to
their meaning, it suddenly, magically, worked. Hrmpf. i prefer to know WHY
it works, though ;)

> Your addresses on each end of the ippp0 link are wrong. You're
> telling your kernel that the ippp0 interface address is
> different from what your ISP wants to see. You can fix this by
> letting ipppd handle it automatically. Don't give it any
> addresses, and don't manually add any route.

It has me stumped, too. Seems like the ppp-authorisation process assigns
me a different gateway address than the one right on the other end of the
link. I don't know exactly HOW that works, but I haven't changed it since
the newsgroup posting, and it works now.

> How are you invoking ipppd? What options do you use? Here's mine: >
> /sbin/ipppd ippp0 defaultroute debug kdebug 1 lock -vj -vjccomp

I didn't have defaultroute enabled at the time just so I could see at what
stage something was going wrong. Other than that, I had those settings
enabled (aren't quite sure about lock, not at home now). I also had the
use-ipcp-local-address (or something similiar) and the same for remote
address enabled.

> That's all you need! (I keep debug options in because I like to see
> what my system is doing)

That, and a kernel recompile. Let's see...

First recompile to install the 2.2 kernel
Then recompile with the isdn patch
Then recompile with the isdn-utils patch (? At least I think the
isdnutils patched something, too?)
Then recompile again now with all the ISDN protocol options on.

Of course I COULD have recompiled only once. Just got carried away ;)

> What this all means is that I'm telling ippp0 to put into my routing
> table a default route (no need for a manual 'route' command) between
> me and the default server at the other end. I don't need to give my
> own address and their address because the ippp protocol negotiation
> does that for you, and Linux ipppd is clever enough to tell the
> kernel and set the routing automatically. So, in brief, don't
> specify an address on your ipppd command line, and don't manually
> add the route. ipppd will handle it. At the moment, your IP link
> addresses are wrongly set.

See above.
> I hope this fixes your problem: we shan't ever want to go back to
> using a modem after getting ISDN and Linux working here!

I know! I suddenly had to go back to using NO internet link after I broke
my ISDN by going to kernel 2.2 (I will read the docs next time.. I will
read the docs next time... I will read the doc next time BEFORE



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