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SubjectRe: fsync on large files
On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Dan Hollis wrote:

> On Wed, 17 Feb 1999, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > I've also destroyed maxtors with synchronous syslog. I dont think any
> > > drive is up to the task of 50 writes/sec on the same spot on the disk 24/7
> > > for weeks on end.
> > According to the vendors own claims it is. From my own experience the
> > ibm drives seem to take it fine, and worse.
> Write a program which sync writes to the same spot 50 times/sec 24/7 and
> get back to me in two months or so if your ibm drive is still alive.
> Thats 129,600,000 writes to the same sector on the disk each month.

That's really nothing! An idle disk is reading the same sectors over
and over and over again. Neither reading nor writing wears them out.

Magnetizing magnetic domains is not a wearout mechanism, neither is
reading. The energy extracted during the read comes from the spin-motor.
The disk is a dynamo (actually an alternator). Energy for the write
comes from the write amplifier. In no case are the magnetic "particles"

Long seeks may slightly reduce the life of the head actuator bearing.

Vibration, high temperatures, and spin-up/spin-down are the dominant
wear-out mechanisms. They wear out the spindle bearing.

Dick Johnson
Penguin : Linux version 2.2.1 on an i686 machine (400.59 BogoMips).
Warning : It's hard to remain at the trailing edge of technology.
Wisdom : It's not a Y2K problem. It's a Y2Day problem.

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