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SubjectRe: mount corrupts ramdisk
On Wed, Feb 10, 1999 at 04:03:02PM +0000, Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 10 Feb 1999 11:01:34 +0100, Kurt Garloff <> said:
> > However, if you have a look at /dev/ram2, you see that something's going
> > wrong:
> > 0000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
> > 0010 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ........ ........
> Yes. This is strictly speaking a cross between a bug and a feature. :)
> The buffer cache and block device layers in Linux maintain a current
> blocksize for each block device. That blocksize is set when you mount a
> filesystem, in order that the IO system can cache the filesystem's
> accesses in units which make sense.
> That all works fine when you have got a persistant storage on disk which
> can be reread when you change the buffer blocksize for a device: you
> turf out the old buffers with the wrong size, and reread them on demand
> using the new alignment.
> The ramdisk simply cannot cope with a request to change its block size.
> All data is lost when this occurs.

.. which is a bug.
As the ramdisk has no natural blocksize, it should either refuse to have it
changed with an error message (without clearing the ramdisk), or -- better
-- just do it. Shouldn't be too hard.
Maybe, this would render the filesystem invalid, however, as the creator
assumed another blocksize?

> What is really wrong here is that the ramdisk and filesystem are failing
> to propogate this error back up to the users. Changing a ramdisk's
> blocksize is simply not expected to preserve its data.

So, mount doesn't even see it?

> The real solution is to export a set-blocksize ioctl to user space so
> that the correct blocksize can be set _before_ creating the initial
> filesystem, and to make sure that the fat fs code doesn't accidentally
> change the blocksize to something else while performing the initial
> superblock read.

I still don't see, why the ramdisk is filled with zero. Data could be
If mkfs.msdos would set the blocksize with an ioctl, the problems would not
exist, that's true.

I feel still very uncomfortable thinking that a mount system call can
destroy data.

You should be able to copy a floppy (image) to a ramdisk, mount and modify
it and write it to a floppy/image again.

I also tried a loop device: Everything is OK, there.

> ext2 and minix both keep the initial blocksize of 1024 bytes by default.

.. which is why those work, I understand.

Kurt Garloff <> [Dortmund, FRG]
Plasma physics, high perf. computing [Linux-ix86,-axp, DUX]
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