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SubjectRe: TCP alwayskeepalive option.
On Thu, Dec 09, 1999 at 12:32:11PM -0700, Richard Gooch wrote:
> TCP keepalives are nasty for machines that suspend. Imagine you have a
> X server running on a machine, and at night you want to suspend the
> machine. If your X clients (running on another machine, say your group
> server) aare well-behaved, they will not generate any traffic, since
> you won't be sending events. So your machine can safely suspend to RAM
> or suspend to disc, and next morning when you resume the machine,
> everything is just as you left it.
> Now, with keepalives, the OS on the server will send packets to your X
> server (and expect a response), which of course won't respond. Boom!
> You've lost your remote X clients.
> No, I think we want to avoid keepalives. Better to fix Netscape so
> that it exits when the connection to the X server is lost.

On the other hand, TCP keepalives would be great for masquerade - since
now masquerade only relies on timeout. This way idle masqueraded TCP
connections wouldn't die ...

Vojtech Pavlik
SuSE Labs

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