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SubjectRe: Root fs and ramdisk
Jonathan Brauer wrote:
> wondering how to get the kernel to recognize a ramdisk at a specific location
> and to mount this as the root device.

I'll assume you want to use lilo?

Read the Bootdisk HOWTO in /usr/doc/HOWTO/Bootdisk-HOWTO. Read

> Do I need to use initrd?
> How do I specify through the command line to use the disk and the like.

You need initrd iff your kernel image is too large, generally because
of included drivers, SCSI being the most often reason in my
experience. Initrd is used in a two stage boot for this case. I
generally don't need an initrd.

> I have tried various messages to kernel, but all result in a panic saying it can
> not mount root device 00:00

00:00 is the major/minor numbers that the loader is trying to access.
They are obviously wrong. You will see 02:1c for fd0H1440, for
example. This indicates that neither rdev or lilo has been used to
install this information into the MBR.


Richard Dynes

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