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SubjectRE: Binary drivers
Bret Indrelee writes:
> One thing that is clear to me is we should probably add an FAQ entry
> covering binary compatibility of modules and drivers to the lkml
> FAQ. Give a listing of things that currently prevent binary
> compatibility, and perhaps a short statement that anyone who wants
> this fixed should be willing to do the work required (i.e. submit
> code) to fix it.

Yep, send me a FAQ patch.

> This topic flares up fairly often. I caused it to flare up a couple
> of times while trying to understand the mindset of this mailing
> list, and I can think of a couple more instances since then.

This mindset comment is an important one. People on all sides should
take note. For the "outsiders", it can be hard to understand that
there is a definate mindset, and even harder to determine what it is.

For the "insiders", it can be hard to understand that others *don't*
know what the mindset is, and that while they think they're being
clear, outsiders are only getting the ciphertext.

This disparity is one of the causes of friction on this list. It's a
shame, because at the end of the day, most (all?) of us are on the
same side: to build a better Linux. So step back and smell the roses
before you post again :-)



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