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SubjectRe: Portable binary drivers (was Re: Linux headed for disaster?)
Alan Cox <> wrote:

> > I am confident that a solution to support binary loadable modules will
> > be accepted by Linus and Alan -- if it does not add overhead to the
> > kernel.
> It must also be running in a way that it cannot trigger a bug in
> existing kernel code, otherwise we have binaries triggering stuff
> that we cannot debug. That is what makes it hard.

Another great reason for Open Source device drivers, so you can debug
them. If you have problems with a binary device driver, 99% of the
time the same problem will show up if you compile that device driver
as with full source debugging enabled, and then you *can* debug it.

I will re-iterate this again to make sure it is clear:

Binary portable modules != close source proprietry drivers

It makes a hell of a lot of sense for the source code to binary
portable modules to be Open Source so that people can solve these
problems. These are all great arguments for the virtues of Open

I would rather see vendors release Open Source device drivers because
they understand these benefits, than because they are forced to do
so. Then Linux and the Open Source revolution will win because it is
just plain technically superior.

Remember that the reason Windows is where is is today is because of
bullying tactics by Microsoft. Why should Linux have to succeed based
on the same bullying tactics to force hardware vendors to open their

> If netscape Oopses the kernel as a user then I know we screwed up,
> because we have a defined interface and it wasnt running as root. A
> driver is totally different, it might causes oopses, application
> funnies - anything and anywhere in the kernel.

Again, another great reason for Open Source device drivers.


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