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SubjectRe: sleep_on, wake_up question
> > It's possible that the PC will be interrupted (by anything) just prior to
> > the sleep_on call in my_ioctl, and eventually, the adapter may even
> > complete its work (and call wake_up) before the sleep_on function was even
> > reached. In a heavily loaded system, this possibility is more than
> > theoretical. In this case, it appears that the calling process may forever
> > hang in sleep_on. Help? Am I missing something here?
> There is more at work than your code implies. If the interrupt occurs
> instantly, before your call to interruptible_sleep_on(), the call will
> return immediately. It works. I have many drivers using this technique
> and they have never missed a beat.

Its luck on your part then. There is no provision in the system for handling
that race using interruptible_sleep_on, because you can construct multiple
correct solutions without having to hack the kernel up


1. allocate a semaphore on the stack
set up for irq
do hardware stuff
if(interrupted by signal)
clean up completely (including stopping an irq hitting sem)
return failed)

In the irq do an if(job->sem) up(job->sem);

The semaphores are counting so do the right thing if there is an ordering

2. Use add/remove wait queue so that the race leaves the task woken
if it beats the sleep begin

3. Use cli to lock around the contentious areas (ugly)

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