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SubjectRe: Unkillable processes with 2.2.12/2.2.13pre17
Try kill -KILL - I discovered it by accident one day and it's absolutely
grouse. Kills everything bar zombies.

On Thu, 02 Dec 1999, Ville Herva wrote:
> I've been having processes that I can't kill. Accoring to ps, they are in
> run state, but even hundreds of "kill -9 <pid>"'s as root don't scare
> them. They don't take cpu, but they do take some memory. The only way to
> get rid of them is to reboot.
> This has happened three times; once with 2.2.12 and twice with
> 2.2.13pre17.
> With 2.2.12 it was an mpg123 process that writing to /dev/dsp while it was
> opened by another process. The process just sat there even after the
> other process finished. The process did not do anything, I was unable to
> kill it, but it did have the /dev/dsp open. So I was unable to use the
> sound card until I rebooted. (I have an es1370).
> The two times I've had unkillable process with 2.2.13pre17, it's been
> enlightenment-0.16. It has just locked solid while bieng idle, and I've
> been unable to kill it. I have been able to kill X and restart both X and
> enlightenment, but the old enlightenment process never died, no matter how
> many -KILL's I gave to it.
> I planned to attach the ps -listing, but I had to reset my machine because
> the Xfree86's DPMS code had locked it up. It works fine most of the time,
> but after some 15 days of use it usually locks up. (I have XFree86-3.3.5,
> Millennium II and Panasonic 5G Pro.) Has anybody else had this symptom?
> -- v --
> -
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