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SubjectRe: TCP connection simulation
Date (Bindinganavile, Vinuthananda (CTS)) writes:
> I am working in the ip_output.c file where I send my SYN packet to the
> upper layers. This packet is recd and a SYN-ACK is also sent by the TCP.
> Now in the same file, when the server's response comes down, I trap this,
> check if it is my response and then send the ACK packet from my queue after
> modifications. But the problem which is now arising is that when I send my
> ACK packet to complete the 3-way handshake, the sk->state will be still be
> in LISTEN and TCP will reject any ACK packets in this state. So could
> anyone please tell me how do I wait in a loop for the state to become
> SYN_RECV before sending the next packet. Or are there any other approaches
> for this problem?

In Linux 2.2 SYN_RECV sockets are represented as open_requests (smaller
structures). Only after the ack in the three way handshake comes in a new
socket is created, directly in ESTABLISHED state.
open_requests are associated with a listen socket. You're probably
looking at the listen socket. tcp_ipv4.c does the open_request check.
your ack is probably wrong in some way and thus never matches an
open_request, and it ends up being rejected by the LISTEN socket.

BTW, why aren't you doing that from user space via a packet socket?


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