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SubjectRe: patch to turn internal speaker on/off


There have been many patches to do things like this. Clearly it's a
big design issue and none of them have made it into the kernel yet.

I've been working on something similar off and on for the last week or
so and I noticed that the kernel vt driver (vt.c) already has a facility
that is almost usable for doing this in what looks like a clean fashion to
me. Making it an "on vs off" issue doesn't seem like the right way to go.
It would probably be better to be able to point the kd_mksound pointer (or
whichever other sound functions there are - I'm sure there are probably
more which I haven't found yet) to a new function -- essentially making
kd_mksound an overridable kernel function. Then someone could point it to
an empty function to have no sound. Another person could point it to a
function which does a soundcard beep, and yet another could have a network
based beep function. These could possibly be loaded via a kernel module
or perhaps another runtime method. In any case, a clean solution is
really needed here.


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