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SubjectRe: [PATCH] 2.3.34/pre-2.3.35-3 ramdisk/initrd NOT as a
On Mon, 27 Dec 1999, Tigran Aivazian wrote:

>I am sorry to say this but I get those OOMs even with your patch.
>I have 48M RAM on this P133 and all I have to do is to dd 2 22M files to
>/dev/ram0 and /dev/ram1 respectiely. This is on
>2.3.35-pre6 + your patch below.

So that's perfectly normal. That's a different issue in the ramdisk driver
this time. You can as well create a ramdisk of 200mbyte with your 48Mbyte
system. Then while you run `cp /dev/zero /dev/ram0` you must expect to to
out of memory because you can't allocate 200mbyte of ram, you only have
48mbyte of ram (I can't make a patch to enlarge your hardware memory, if
somebody has such a patch I need it too ;). You simply shouldn't do that.

What instead I fixed is the case where you are doing a very normal thing
that must work. You have say 40mbyte of ram in your system and you have
only one ramdisk of 20mbyte. This is the usual case of a ramdisk used as
root device after linuxrc returned. Then you run a mke2fs on a 200giga
harddisk and you get mke2fs killed by OOM. I got 2.2.x reports for this
and for now I suggested to simply decrease the bdflush dirty limit to 4%
and that fixes the oom fine too as expected. I'll provide the real fix for
2.2.x too RSN.


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