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Subject[rfc] __SMP__ vs. CONFIG_SMP
IIRC, at some point there was a certain reason why __SMP__ was used in
certain places rather than CONFIG_SMP. I know that CONFIG_SMP didn't even
exist until recently, but I wonder if there is a clear distinction between
the two? ie is __SMP__ being phased out in favor of CONFIG_SMP? (that is
what I would assume..)

Should I throw together a patch to do (basically) s/__SMP__/CONFIG_SMP? It
seems as though the kernel at the very least consistently conditionally
compile code.. (ack, alliteration!) I'd be happy to do it if someone
(mec?) lets me know it's not stupid, in preparation for 2.4.

Also, since Java binary support has been deprecated in 2.2, can it be
removed in 2.4? If so, I'm all over that too. :)

Chris Noe

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