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    SubjectRe: Bloat? (khttpd)
    In netuse.lists.linux-kernel you write:
    >> I've seen this question raised before, but I don't recall seeing a
    >> definitive answer. How does khttpd compare with phttpd?
    >And... I'm sorry, but I can't find it - where actually IS phttpd available?

    phttpd used to be available from Signum Systems, Linkoeping
    (*1), Sweden ( The company offered
    professional support for free software.

    Signum has been bought out by a company named Cendio Systems
    ( phttpd is now being maintained by Roland
    Kaltefleiter of NetUSE GmbH, Germany (for which I happen to


    Phttpd is a lightweight and fast World Wide Web server that uses
    techniquies like multithreading, dynamic linking and mmap() for
    machines running Sun's Solaris 2 operating system.

    (Preferrable Solaris 2.4 or newer).

    Written by: Peter Eriksson <>

    It is currently being maintained by Roland Kaltefleiter, and the
    latest version can be downloaded from:


    (*1) Linkoeping is also the home of another popular, free
    software webserver, Roxen ( Not
    bad for a small scandinavian town. Who says that it must be
    Operating Systems all the time?

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