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SubjectRe: disabling Intel PSN
Hi David.

>> I think it's a bad idea to allow it at all. If it's enabled,
>> vendors will start using it for generating software licence
>> keys; its bad enough that Mac addresses are used for this
>> purpose (consider what happens when your server's hardware fails
>> and needs to be replaced).

> That's the best reason I've heard so far, and it still doesn't
> hold much water. They have to have a fall-back; nobody's going
> to voluntarily limit themselves to only running on PIII, and in
> that case you just disable the S/N while you're installing the
> license.

What I can see is vendors linking their licence key generator to the
processor such that a PIII without PSN available can't generate a
valid key, and one thus has to downgrade the processor to get one.

Best wishes from Riley.

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