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SubjectRe: [HUMOR] Quake 1 source code.
Petko Manolov wrote:
> "Mike A. Harris" wrote:
> >
> >
> > id software has just released the source for Quake 1 under GPL
> > licence according to /. a few minutes ago...
> AFAIK the source of QuakeII is available too, but i don't know the
> exact terms it ships.
> >
> > Since it is GPL, is anyone working on porting Quake to kernel
> > mode? It would make a nice addon to SYSRQ for example:
> Splendid. And we should add some extra syscalls as
> sys_kill_with_shotgun, sys_kill_with_chaingun etc.
> It will be very funny playing with the Linux kernel.

No,no,no... We already have many different tools (signals) for this.

The "-9" is the cannon that blasts the target completely to bits and

the "-1" is an instant tree that with a looped rope hanging off it,
wich loops around the head of the target as the tree continues to
grow, hanging the target. (c.f Asterix and Obelix and those instant
oak trees)

the "-2" is a cage that falls over the target, requiring a few seconds
before it can be opened.

"-4" makes the target immensely sick in no time...

The "-19" is a freeze-gun that freezes a target.

The "-18" is the un-freeze gun, that thaws a frozen target...

The "-8" causes a gently floating miniature black hole to obliterate
the target.

The "-5" is the ghost-catcher that was used in ghostbusters.

the "-13" is the gun that shoots big lead pipes into targets.

"-10" causes a big vehicle designed to transport people to overrun the

"-14" shoots big alarm clocks at the target... (which some targets
seem to be able to catch wihtout trouble, while others, notably very
old vi's seem very vulnerable to...)

"-29" Causes the target to be stormed by scientology supporters
wanting the target to fill out a questionaire.

"-27" causes the target to be stopped by teacher from a university for
an instant exam.

"??" causes the target to loose all feel of direction.

"-28" causes the target to be hoisted into the air by mechanical

"-30" causes the target to be killed by an electric shock from the
overhanging electrical lines...


(*) Try figuring them out without immediately referring to "man 7

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