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    SubjectRe: Ok, making ready for pre-2.4 and code-freeze..
    On Tue, 21 Dec 1999, Rogier Wolff wrote:
    > So, in this case it should return 0xc481ad8c, which is a negative number.
    > So the library would set errno to 3b7e5274 and return -1. My guess is that
    > lseek returns 0 in that case. So lseek is no longer conforming to the
    > manpage which states that it will return the offset from the beginning.

    well, I looked at it in a geometro-topological way, i.e. assumed that "in
    the universe of negative off_t offsets, the large (but useful)
    loff_t offsets are compactified into a single point 0" and as for errors
    "as long as we stay away from the singularity -1 we are okay and the
    resulting offset 0 is *not* an error, it is just weirdly mapped from a
    different manifold" ;)


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